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- ----------------------------------
- THe interview was made by Fester of
- Absolute! but without Archibald of
- Absolute! it couldn't have been done.
- He is the guy related to the 'target'.
- SH - Sledge Hammer
- A - Alex of TSL
- SH - OK, let's get down to business
- with a standard, but important
- question: who the hell are you?!
- A - Who am I? Maybe some kind of life
- form belonging to the human race.
- (Well, ... I think!) and living on a
- small part of the earth ground so
- called as France. I was given a name:
- Stephen King, but it didn't sound like
- a French name and I changed for
- Alexander Garnier, Alex is better!
- According to the tempus continuum of
- our dimension I am 18 and beside my
- amiga activities I spend my (lost)
- time on the seats of a math/physics
- university.
- SH - Tell us your scene career!
- A - I could tell you the usual story
- that once upon a time I fell on the
- famous Dpaint and started to make
- something else than playing with my
- AMIGA. In fact, I never relly liked
- to play games with a computer. If you
- want to play, you buy a console
- (Nintendo, you know?) and the Amiga
- was a way to change my pencil for a
- mouse. In other words, before having
- this need of drawing with a mouse, I
- drew on paper and I still do (less
- than before). So after a while on
- learning how to work on a computer, (I
- already knew it because I worked on
- the poor MacPaint on Macintosh before)
- I drew fast. My scene career started
- really when I left CYCLONE (a french
- crew which had a very good coder but
- so lazy...) and joined ALCATRAZ thanks
- to the German section. (dec. 1991)
- after this time I actively took part
- in some productions - ATZ ones and
- beside WilloW ones -
- SH - It's beyond doubts that you are a
- master of this japanese style
- graphics. It looks very nice, but in
- some dudes' opinion it is very easy to
- draw. What are your comments about
- it?
- A - STOOP! No, sorry, my first desire
- has never been to use the japanese
- style of drawing. My way of drawing
- took this direction, but I never
- really tried to copy this 'big eyes'
- style and light colors... In fact, I
- understand that those persons who
- watched MUSEUM could think that I used
- japanese models I DIDN'T. The most
- japanese of my pictures could be
- ILLIAN, but try to find an original in
- a jap. movie and you won't. Because
- the original was firstly handmade on
- paper and just inspired from a
- japanese girl.
- Nothing from CITY HUNTER or else I
- heard in ETERNAL. About pictures like
- there's a big mistake about these ones
- too, if you compare them to the so
- known Japanese style. SHANOWER is
- inspired from a bodyposition (seat
- knees apart) rough drawn by the so
- fabulous MOEBIUS (see Mc DISK 4- I
- wrote an article about his art) I
- invented the face of the boy and
- colored it. LITTLE SLEEPY is a try:
- I wanted to draw in LOISEL's style
- (Regis LOISEL, another fantastic
- french drawer) when others just copy
- the so famous BORIS VALLEJO I just
- preferred using a style like drawings
- on paper. BUT, for those who thought
- it is easy to make, I agree, what else
- to say... Just try to do the same,
- without taking a model. I invented,
- THERE was the difficulty. Anyway, I
- wasn't a Dpaint 'technician' at this
- time, my way of drawing got an
- evolution (I guess so ) and for those
- who could have a look at my last
- pictures, they would tell you that I
- left a bit this cartoonlike style. I
- made some new experiences lately, on
- photolike pictures. I also improved
- my antialiase and traming (Hope so!).
- By the way, an info for your
- readers: the last picture in MUSEUM,
- STARR PIEDRA is an error, it should
- have never been released. Unfinished,
- it was a missed try on global forms.
- But I told it too late to the slide
- makers. Don't blame me under this
- one! (You're right : a release
- picture is a released picture, Ok,Ok!)
- SH - From where do you get
- inspiration?
- A - Sure, I would say that I have
- unusual sources of inspirations (Most
- of the time, I don't copy them, I just
- take a posture, the main lines or
- textures: I use them as experiences.)
- I gave some names before, but I
- changed. Last year, my inspiration
- for fast rough on paper was taken from
- my master: MOEBIUS and a bit from
- Regis LOISEL, try to find their art,
- it could be interesting. And lately I
- used photos, and worked on light
- effects. I also like a lot SIUDMACK
- pictures (his art looks like a dream,
- strange colors, transformed bodies,
- stone effects) MACK used one of
- SIUDMACK's picture in his slide PRISM.
- And he was right, because this picture
- is really nice, and MACK knew to give
- the best of it on computer.
- And I learnt to like American
- drawers (I didn't before) through
- BISLEY's fantastic art. The colors he
- uses make very nice effects on
- backgrounds. He's today the second
- comic drawer the most copied after
- Among the US drawers, ther's a
- marvellous one: GIMENEZ, not so
- known, I guess! But he uses paint and
- his comic books look like photos
- (mainly colored with white, blue-grey
- tints )!
- SH - Do you use models? Do you use
- "helping-hardware"?
- A - 'Helping-hardware'? Do you mean
- scanners or something? No. If my
- released pictures were said to be easy
- to make I wonder why I would use a
- scanner, eh! The pictures I made were
- totally made with a little mouse of
- plastic and without help, whatever
- could be this help. About models, I
- do. As everybody. Nearly half of my
- production of the last months was
- taken from models. But I really feel
- annoyed when I redraw a picture which
- is not mine. I just do it by
- experience to learn new technics to
- make light effects for instance. It
- is useful to use a real representation
- of the light on a face and trying to
- make another invented representation.
- SH - Can you draw in other styles?
- A - Eyh! Tricky question. MOEBIUS
- draws in about ten different styles
- from ancient and heavy to more modern
- and light styles. I am in perpetual
- search of innovation. Most of you who
- have seen MUSEUM saw my first tries
- not too differents one from each
- other. Today I work in a more
- realistic style. I work more carefuly
- some important parts, the eyes...
- Well, you see that bodies and faces
- were my last point of research. But I
- also try to refind in some of the last
- pictures, a funny touch I gave one
- year ago, to BIG BITTEN for instance.
- SH - What do you think about these
- persons, teams and productions:
- A -
- Mack of Melon Dezign: Among the last
- slides I saw, Mack's one was the best
- and you have in it the perfect example
- of an evolution through years, for a
- graphician. Mack went from a comical
- style through a painting style to a
- realistic style. I love to see well
- drawn women bodies (it is so unusual
- to see some good graphicians on Amiga
- interested in other things than
- dragons... I thank MACK for his
- fantastic MEDUSA women and for the
- little Black and White beauty he
- offered to us with I SEE YOU. (BTW:
- the great green monster in the PRISM
- menu is inspired from MOEBIUS. That's
- a strange pic as I love them)
- Deja Vu by Anarchy Uk: Hope to know
- him soon!?
- Hof of TSL: Hello Steph!
- HOF is today the most perfect
- graphician (according to me) he
- improved his technic to give us
- awesome pictures (And you didn't see
- the last ones!) Hope someone in TSL
- could wake up and use his pictures!
- Hey XANN! Alors Koi!
- No, no, just forget what I said
- before, otherwise HOF is going to get
- the 'Big Head'HOF he's the worst
- graphician ever, hey!
- Mikael Balle of TSL: THE EUROCHARTS
- should open a new chart for him:
- Mikael Balle is a professional, and I
- hate him because he can touch to a
- paintbox, I am terribly jealous about
- that! Seriously I am impatient to see
- some new production from him & JESPER
- KYD - As everybody I guess!
- Kefrens: King of precalculating!
- LAXITY amazed me in music! RWO
- DOESN'T amaze me.
- Eurochart by Static Bytes: It is an
- important thing for a healthy scene.
- It is only representative as far as
- you consider who voted (if the voters
- are balanced between the 4 casts of
- the AMIGA: Graphicians, coders,
- musicians, swappers/watchers it can be
- representative of a common feeling.
- Phenomena: I miss the GREAT FIREFOX.
- ENIGMA gave me mice moments.
- Odyssey by Alcatraz: That was a
- production! Anybody can say whatever
- he wants, HORNET innovated totally
- with ODYSSEY. You like, you don't.
- It doesn't matter. We won't see
- several movies like this one as it
- takes too much time to make. GREG
- gave the perfect atmosphere with his
- instrumental musics. Just one think:
- Why PGCS always signs his pictures,
- when this pictures are used in a movie
- demo? (Imagine a real film signed in
- each plane with the name of the
- director.)
- pleasantly amazed by the clean design
- they used in their first production
- AABSOLUTE! (the first I received)
- Soft colors, geometric shapes used in
- nice effects (many shades effects) I
- wish them to keep this attention on
- the design and a big success with this
- new mag.
- SH - Why did you left Alcatraz and
- joined TSL?
- A - Everything was and is OK with ATZ.
- I just felt a bit alone in France, and
- the second thing, and the most
- important is that I meet daily a
- friend in my town: NAM (who founded
- WilloW). We wanted to launch a new
- design with this team (even if the
- name wasn't so good, and NAM worked
- hard on code, we had ideas and made
- some intros, ATZ wasn't too pleased
- about that! One of the very good
- coders of WilloW -XANN- was asked to
- join SILENTS and asked me and NAM to
- come with him. These changes allowed
- us to work easily together.
- Today I am in TSL with friends near
- me (each TSL France dude knows each
- other) and we have more talks and same
- ideas about the design we want than I
- had before with ATZ.
- German dudes (HEAD and CONTROL) of
- ATZ made a good work in the
- organization but when members are
- spread over the world how can you
- imagine that a poor graphician can
- give his vision and ideas for a demo
- which is made 2000 km far away.
- Expect astonishing art from ATZ they
- have 3 fantastic musicians!
- SH - Are there organizing problems in
- such a big group as TSL?
- A - I don't know anything about
- SILENTS internal organization. The
- only think I wonder is if we will have
- the pleasure to read a new issue of
- the internal letter in the near
- future!
- SH - How do you manage to keep
- friendship with other divisions? Or
- isn't that important in TSL?
- A - Well, I am sorry to say that I am
- not in contact with other divisions of
- SILENTS. You could tell me I didn't
- try to and you would be right. In
- fact I have less and less time to
- write to contacts and I feel ashamed
- about it.
- But if some TSL dudes have time to
- write me, they can do it. Hey, men...
- DO IT! I'd be fine to receive some
- news from other divisions. It could
- be important to have such contacts but
- I didn't test it till now.
- SH - Whose computer and real music do
- you like?
- A - In computer music I am addict of
- LIZARDKING's art. This musician
- didn't reveal the full height of his
- talent! Some unreleased tunes are
- masterpieces and I stand by JACKIE D.
- to code the awaited musicdisk.
- The second 3D DEMO music composed by
- MadFreak makes me fly each time I
- listen to it (around 1 789 450,32
- times) and Audiomonster makes me dream
- with his FLORENCE! (Don't know her, I
- talk about the module!)
- The real musics I listen to are
- mostly movie soundtracks which make me
- live again the best moments of the
- movies I see. At the moment it is the
- one composed by VANGELIS: 1492,
- (composed by Mark Knopfler) EMPIRE OF
- THE SUN. But I also like FRONT 242 (I
- heard that this music helps many
- coders to code faster, it seems to
- work for graphicians) ERASURE, in
- modern style.
- not so old ones. The last album from
- PRINCE wasn't too bad too! His music
- is very different one from the other,
- and he uses strange compositions I
- like. It brings a change among the
- formalised commercial music we can
- hear today.
- SH - Tell us about France in general
- and the French scene.
- A - France in general is a very nice
- country etc... Sorry I don't know
- what to tell you about France else
- than: Don't go to PARIS only to see
- there is so much more to see!
- The French scene can be judged by
- foreigners, I am inside France and
- can't say many things. I think we
- have skilled dudes like Audiomonster,
- and innovative ones as WALT,... me
- and NAM (Oops Sorry!)
- SH - What education are you/will you
- be under?
- A - I can understand your question in
- several ways... and that's an
- interesting question... I have no
- idea about that!
- SH - What projects TSL France are
- working on?
- A - Can I talk to you about our
- projects...? (If there are some...
- Who knows!) NAM and me are quite busy
- on a possible trackmo we should bring
- you this year: The last name I heard
- was BLUE SUN, but it's my little
- pocket Golem (see his photo in CHIT
- CHAT - his name is Yaourt - vote for
- him! ) who told me it and we can't
- really trust him!
- From XANN, should come an awesome
- intro with a totally new routine. But
- he's not too satisfied of the result,
- WE are more than satisfied, we are
- full eyes on the screen!
- SH - If you want to write something
- else, here's your chance:
- A - Yeah? I really can write
- something? This place is only for me?
- Only me? Oh, well! I talked too much
- before and I am in lack of breath.
- Just a few hellos to my great friends,
- see in LIVE or other messy box for
- messages! ZLOGGY HELLOS to these
- mighty guys:
- All fine dudes in SILENTS woldwide!
- Thanx for this interview. Bye!!
- I'm the one who should say thank to
- you - Archie.